Oceanside S. Coast Hwy. Car Rental

Location Details for Oceanside S. Coast Hwy.

Location Details


Renting a Car at Oceanside S. Coast Hwy.

Information for Renting a Car in Oceanside

This car rental branch is located in the West Oceanside area near the intersection of Leonard Avenue and Coast Highway.  We offer pick up service from the train station.  There is no after hour return box.

Areas Serviced

Oceanside, East Oceanside, Vista

Places of Interest

San Diego – approximately a 50 minute drive
Los Angeles – approximately a 2 hour drive
Las Vegas – approximately a 4.5 hour drive

Driving in Oceanside

5 Freeway both North and South heavy traffic in the afternoon past 3pm.

Nearby Attractions

LEGOLAND, Oceanside Beach, Mission San Luis Rey de Francia, California Surf Museum, Oceanside Museum of Art